I have nothing but indescribable gratitude for Empress Akari. I was lucky enough to have my very first experience of submission with her, and the only word which might suffice to describe the session would have to be 'perfect'.
Physically, mentally, holistically, Empress Akari is simply captivating. She has the skilful intellect to bind your body and mind with her words alone, and the power to bestow a conscious hypnosis upon you while you drift through a beautiful, lucid dream - a dream in which you feel more idyllically and vividly awake than ever before. I felt as if I couldn't blink away for even a moment.

Empress has such an exquisitely mellifluous voice, which resonates with the devilish irresistibility of a siren song. I imagine she could quite effortlessly tempt me to do anything she ever asked, with just a gentle whisper of instruction. It is equally impossible for me to forget her mesmerising eyes, like perfect whirlpools which I found myself delicately drowning inside whenever our stares would meet. Any description can do no justice to the breathtaking, true euphoria of those such moments though. It really is something you would have to feel and see for yourself, to fully understand.
Empress also strikes me as being entirely kind and understanding, she had sustained quite a severe injury just days before we were supposed to meet, which meant she had to cancel most of her sessions for a while. However, she recognised that I had taken some extra effort to arrange the session, and therefore went through the trouble of offering to dominate me while she was still having to use crutches. She alternatively offered to refund my deposit and reschedule for a different time instead, but assured me that the injury wouldn't affect her conduct as a dominant if I wished to go ahead - and she was certainly correct.
Speaking as someone who feels hideously insecure about every single inch of their naked appearance, and general existence, I honestly can't fathom how I was able to instantly ascend to such a foreign new plane of comfort, particularly while in the presence of someone so intensely exciting. However, what I can tell you is this; as soon as Empress ordered me to kneel before her, I found myself seamlessly washed away by that exact state of strange tranquility. It felt as if all of my earthly anxieties at once dissolved, so that they could make way for a deliciously visceral, tantalising new brand of fear.
I became truly afraid of her when she first threatened to punish me - with a level of pain I still can't yet comprehend - but that frightened me into feeling so fantastically alive. While I felt such an addictive, tingling fear of being at her mercy, I was set free to be so utterly and completely at peace with myself. Empress later gave me just a taste of the punishment I had managed to avoid. She must have seen straight through my silent compliance, and I think she just knew that deep down I wanted to take so much more for her, even if I couldn't bring myself to say it. If I could rewind time, I think I would beg and beg her to keep hurting me until she had no needles left to use, or perhaps until I lost my voice.
I spent the rest of the session feeling more 'myself' than perhaps I ever have before. If you read this and soon find yourself in the position I was recently in - overwhelmed by apocalyptic pre-session stressing in the minutes leading up to your meeting with the resplendent Empress, wondering what you've committed to, and whether you can follow through - then I must implore you to relax. Try not to let your apprehension cancel something so sublime. I suspect everything will suddenly start to make sense in a matter of minutes, and I can only imagine you'll be incredibly pleased with the decisions you've made.